Monday, September 26, 2016

An unbelievable creation of mine-- descripción (Ale)

HOLA !!!!
 I'm feeling satisfied today :DD
It's my 5th semester in Spanish course now. And since the firs t week my performance wasn't good as I wished, so I put some effort in. And today was a blessing!
I was paired with Hazirah to write a short descriptive paragraph of the video Ale asked us to watch--Pedrito y Lobo.

We were given a theme about "el medio ambiente", which is the atmosphere of the happening story.
Well, below was our work.

"En el medio del invierno, había una tormenta de nieve. Después unas horas, el ambiente se vuelve tranquilo. El lago está congelado con una gruesa capa de hielo.Los árboles que lo rodean están frios y están parados como os soldados que volvieron de la guerra. Los copos de nieve que caen a la tierra parecen como las perlas que decoran el cuello de una mujer. "

In English translation would be :

In the middle of the winter, there was a snow storm. After a few hours, the atmosphere went back to be calm.The lake is frozen with a thick layer of ice. The trees which surrounds it(the lake) are cold, standing as if the soldiers who came back from the war. The snow that fall on the ground seems like pearls that decorate women"s neck.

estoy contenta!!!!

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